Help Save Lives | Become a Most Valuable Partner
By becoming an MVP (Most Valuable Partner) you can help someone live their ‘best possible life’ and meet your personal philanthropic goals. Your MVP membership will benefit stroke warriors and their families and save lives through stroke awareness information. “Stroke Awareness Oregon “saved my life” states a member of our stroke support group. Together, we will create change!
Your Most Valuable Partner membership is $1,200 annually, which can be sent to us in one lump sum or monthly installments of $100. You may also purchase a two year membership for $2,200 with the same rewards.
If you'd prefer to mail a check or speak to our staff, please give us a call at 541 323-5641 and our staff will gladly assist you.
www.strokeawarenessoregon.org | 695 SW Mill View Way, Bend, OR 97702 | 541 323-5641